Tuesday, September 10, 2013

TV and Then Some

So I wanted to have a place to write about some of the things that I do for fun -- outside of the crafting that Scott and I do...so I started this blog.  Truth be told I think TV is the best it has ever been...I used to make fun of friends that watched TV so much -- and now I must admit that I watch at least an hour a day -- and oftentimes I watch a few hours -- especially on typical Friday and Saturday nights.

I feel like a slacker when I think of all the shows that I watch -- and naturally I don't want all of you to think I'm a slacker -- so I'm going to preface my writing with this...a lot of times while I'm watching a show -- I'm doing something else -- laundry, dishes, paying bills, etc...you get the point.  I often want to incorporate doing the elliptical or lifting some weights...and I know I should do that.  Wouldn't it be great to that something really good for me at the same time I'd doing my relaxation time?  Yes...of course it would be.  Rarely am I just sitting there watching TV...which in itself is kind of annoying (especially to my husband if he's watching with me) but it's what I have become -- the multi-tasker.

Now that I can feel half way decent that I actually admit to watching TV...I will also follow up with warning you all that I watch a lot of dark, depressing shows.  I don't think in the world today you can actually find a show out there that isn't dark and depressing...and maybe it does take it's toll on all of us....and maybe it's too easy for us to see someone dying in front of us...I don't know for sure.  I will argue that I can't recall the last movie I watched...haven't seen many movies in the last 5 years...and originally I'd say it was because of my time...it's easy (especially with a DVR) to fit in a 30 minute show or a 60 minute show in less time...and you cause pause and all that...where a movie does seem like such a commitment to me...but I have thought about it a lot -- and, well, I think TV is better than movies these days.  I'm sure I'll argue that during my blog posts and you can agree or not...but I think just the amazing PEOPLE doing TV these days (and not doing movies) says a lot!

So here I begin...sharing my thoughts and feelings on some of my favorite shows and episodes.

First up is a short series (6 episodes in total) that I can't shake from my mind and it's been a month since I watched it -- RECTIFY.  I hadn't heard of it while it was running on the Sundance Chanel...I'm not even sure if we have that in our DirecTV lineup...I purchased the episodes through Amazon Prime and watched on our Roku (both of which I love and adore).  I don't have time right now to tell you about the show -- but that is my intended first post.  Until then.

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